How the antique jewelry have influenced recent periods?
Jewelry techniques that continue
Even today, the techniques dating back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece or the Roman Empire are those that we use. They have certainly been refined, such as the methods of metal casting, filigree or setting precious stones, however, they are nonetheless imbued with the original techniques. Eager to preserve the historical heritage of jewelry, artisan jewelers strive to highlight ancestral know-how, imbuing them with a contemporary touch promising quality and finesse.
Chasing and repoussé are two techniques that reveal the ingenuity of ancient craftsmen. Chasing consists of decorating metal with tiny incisions, giving shape to delicate patterns. The second technique, repoussé, is defined by the creation of reliefs by the metal that is formed and stretched from the back. The authentic character and timeless elegance of these techniques explain their success. Concerning the engraving and setting of precious stones, contemporary jewelers are also inspired by the techniques of yesteryear to create pieces that combine both modernity and tradition.
In ancient times, thegold was very often used, especially in Egypt where it was considered imperishable and constituting the flesh of the Gods.silver was also a material appreciated for its antique appearance. Today, these two alloys are prized for their beauty but also for their ecological compatibility, a subject of importance at the present time and particularly in the jewelry sector.
The cultural influences of antique jewelry
Throughout history, jewelry has been a true symbol of cultural identity. For example, scarabs and hieroglyphs, motifs that are still present in the creations of contemporary jewelers, come straight from Pharaonic Egypt. They embody protection and eternity. In addition, symbols of ancient Rome such as laurels and coins are also motifs that can be found on today's jewelry. Ancient Greece brought us the tradition of exchanging rings to show love. This tradition is still relevant today with wedding rings.
Each era imbues its jewelry with its values and beliefs. Victorian jewelry is often adorned with snakes, symbols of wisdom and eternity. This theme is also taken up today with more contemporary interpretations. During the period of the Renaissance, it was jewelry with religious motifs and miniature portraits that were most in vogue. This attraction to this type of jewelry testifies to a society marked by faith and self-representation. On each piece of jewelry, we find the signature of its era: the floral motifs come from the period Art Nouveau, the symmetry of theArt Deco, the baroque lines of the Victorian period…Jewelry is therefore a true artifact that tells the story of a civilization and bears witness to the aesthetic tastes of a given era.
Finally, the influence of antique jewelry appears clearly in current trends. Today, the medallions, traditionally cut stones or large link chains are particularly in demand. These jewels carry a story within them while being anchored in our times, making them unique and timeless pieces.
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