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Available items: 233
Flexible bracelet in yellow gold, sapphires and diamonds
Opening bangle in yellow gold and silver, diamonds and sapphires
Bracelet in yellow gold and cabochon sapphires
Sapphire and diamond gold bracelet
Vintage sapphire bracelet
Sapphire & diamond bracelet
Wrapped mesh bracelet
Bracelet Art Deco Gold Diamonds Sapphires
Cartier Must 21 - Silver dial - Medium
CARTIER - Must 21 - Silver dial - SM
CARTIER - Must 21 - Ivory dial - SM
Lace bracelet set with sapphires
Retro Sapphire Diamond Link Bracelet
Salvini Regina Bracelet
Cartier Ceinture - Ivory roman dial - SM
Sapphire and diamond bangle bracelet
White gold sapphire diamond bracelet
Gold zaffiri diamond bracelet
CARTIER - White gold 750 sapphire bracelet
Vintage 80s bracelet
18k Yellow Gold Sapphire River Bracelet
Yellow Gold Diamond Bangle Bracelet
Jewel second-hand > Bracelet second-hand > Sapphire bracelet
Giving a sapphire bracelet can reflect various emotions and intentions. Sapphire is a precious stone that symbolizes fidelity, loyalty and sincerity, which makes it a popular option for those present as a couple or between close friends. He also embodies intelligence and protection, making it an ideal gift to celebrate important events such as birthdays, engagements or wedding anniversaries. Sapphire is linked to loyalty and the splendor of emotions. Thus, the fiancé or the husband has the possibility of giving a sapphire to his beloved as a sign of unwavering love.
The price of a sapphire bracelet varies depending on various elements such as the quality of the sapphire, its size, its color and the metal used for the bracelet. There is a wide range of prices for sapphire bracelets, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand euros, or even more, for luxury pieces. THE cost also depends on the reputation of the jeweler or brand, as well as other elements such as design complexity and rarity of sapphire used.
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