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Quel est le prix d’une bague Bulgari B.Zero1?

How much does a ring cost? Bulgari B.Zero1?

The different models of the iconic ring Bulgari are available in several rows with the same enthusiasm, and the refinement of the addition of diamonds are also found on the market on a regular basis.

How does the ring price Bulgari B.Zero1 has it evolved on the second-hand market?

2020-2021, a turning point in the appreciation of the ring Bulgari B.Zero1

The average price for a ring Bulgari B Zero1 all gold for four years is 270% higher that the prices awarded in the auction room over the period 2014-2018: your ring purchased in the 2014 auction room sells for three to four times the price of your purchase 10 years earlier.

The example of a Bulgari B.Zero1 set with a row of diamonds sold in 2015 and in 2023 leads to the same observation: the value second-hand is between three and four times higher than that eight years earlier.

Examples of prices observed for a ring Bulgari B Zero1 (rings of similar weight)

The price per gram of gold 2.4 best valued for a ring Bulgari B.Zero1

Relative to the price per gram, the values of the rings Bulgari B.Zero1 are clearly above that of gold bought “by weight”: the guarantee of quality represented by the brand as well as the popularity of the ring model, all this is reflected in the new price of a collection which is still available at the house of Bulgari. The price second-hand is more linked to this new price and the valuation of the brand is reflected on the second-hand market by a price per gram of gold 2.4 higher than a piece of jewelry not branded.


Is it difficult to find a Bulgari B.Zero second-hand?

The design of this model Bulgari, inspired by the Colosseum, with its more or less voluminous spiral, cannot be made to size. Therefore, the most atypical sizes (very small or very large) will obviously take longer to find… ring on their finger and be led to offer a more attractive price for the lucky buyer who is looking for this size. 

The important moments of the collection (anniversary collections, limited editions) offer rarer models which will be valued at the height of their desirability.

These different particularities will allow you to better understand the price variations that you can observe on the second-hand prices of the ring Bulgari B.Zero1.

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