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Pair of "Sleeper" earrings in yellow and white gold and diamonds
2 gold diamond sleepers
Pearl sleeper earrings
White Gold Diamond Sleeper Earrings
White Gold Sleepers
18k White Gold Sleepers
18k Yellow Gold & Pearl Sleepers
gold and diamond sleeper earrings
Jewel second-hand > Earrings second-hand > Earrings second-hand vintage > Leverback earrings second-hand vintage
Among the large number of types of earrings, the sleeper earring is quite special. It's the only one that has a clip-on clasp at the back of the lobe to ensure the buckle stays in place, even while sleeping! Very old in its design and very popular, it is also a type of earring that is quite widespread and widely present in second-hand quality. To get a more precise idea, you can browse all the sleeper earrings second-hand which constitute our selection. Among all these models, there is something to please yourself with the most beautiful names in jewelry and find a pair of sleeper earrings at a reasonable price second-hand which makes you dream!
Lever earrings are so called because, originally, they were worn only during sleep and had the essential function of preventing the holes pierced in the lobe from being able to close.
Indeed, their main characteristic is to have a very secure closing system. They cannot come off inadvertently and cannot injure the person wearing them.
Leverback earrings are quite similar to hook earrings. They have an equivalent hook-shaped post, but a clip-on fastener at the back completes the closure, preventing the earring from being lost during the night.
Of course, today, sleeper earrings can be worn day or night and their secure clasp is a real plus for active, sporty and dynamic women. With a sleeper earring, you don't have to worry, you won't lose it due to an inappropriate movement.
From earrings second-hand that you will find on our site, sleeper earrings have a good place. It must be said that this type of earrings has been widely produced by all French jewelry houses for decades if not more. There is therefore a very large choice among the models presented here.
You will also find sleeper earrings second-hand in yellow gold, such as white gold or rose gold, with diamonds or pearls or different types of precious stones set like small sapphires or pretty emeralds. All styles are present: as well as typical earrings Art Deco or art nouveau models or even more contemporary versions from post-war or recent decades.
And the essentials of sleeper earrings second-hand available come from the most beautiful French and international jewelry brands. You will find models from Cartier, Boucheron, Poiray, Dior, Chanel, Mauboussin, Chaumet or even Van Cleef & Arpels. But many other jewelry houses are present in our selection.
Whatever your choice, the authenticity of these sleeper earrings second-hand is ensured by our professional experts who do careful work upstream to guarantee you quality and clearly authenticated products.
Do you want to sell sleeper earrings that you no longer wear? Did you know ? You can sell your jewelry on 58 Facettes. We offer a free consignment service for your jewelry, fast and smooth. We offer you a service for the resale of your jewelry, or to have your earrings appraised or valued.
Our experts authenticate your jewelry, then we take care of taking photos, describing the jewelry and putting it online on our site, highlighting it on our social networks and in our showroom. Everything is done to sell your jewelry quickly at the best price.
For more information, please see details at: Sell a Jewel .
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