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A la recherche de bijoux exceptionnels pour Noël

Looking for exceptional jewelry for Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching and it's the perfect time to offer your loved ones unforgettable and also exceptional gifts. If you are looking for jewelry that is completely unique and rare, jewelry pieces set with exceptional stones will always be a wise choice. 58 Facettes is full of unique jewelry for you to discover.


THE diamonds are the most coveted stones in the world, and for good reason: their brilliance is incomparable as is their hardness, the highest of all gems. If you are looking for a jewel that will make your loved one's eyes shine, opt for a ring set with a princess cut diamond or a pair of earrings in diamonds.



THE emeralds are precious stones of great beauty, with their deep green color. Their inclusions, poetically called the Emerald Gardens, make them all unique and special. If you are looking for a rare piece of jewelry, opt for a ring set with an emerald or a necklace in emeralds, a color of Christmas !


THE sapphires are highly prized precious stones, particularly for their intense blue color. If you are looking for a piece of jewelry that combines elegance and preciousness, opt for a ring set with a sapphire or a pair of sapphire earrings.


THE ruby are stones of great beauty, with their intense red color and incomparable brilliance, one of the rarest among gems. If you are looking for a piece of jewelry that will cause a sensation, opt for a ring set with a ruby or a bracelet in ruby.



By choosing a piece of jewelry set with exceptional stones, you are sure to not only please your loved ones for Christmas but also to acquire a gem of great value.

Find our jewelry proposals for Christmas and the end-of-year holidays: Selection Christmas jewelry for her
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