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Guide ultime des diamants de couleur : tout ce que vous devez savoir

Ultimate Guide to Colored Diamonds: Everything You Need to Know

THE diamond White/colorless is not the only color of the diamond, difficult to believe but yet true: in nature diamonds can appear naturally in an infinity of colors. Of natural origin, the diamond can be pink, blue, purple, red, green ...

These diamonds can be an alternative when you want something out of the ordinary. There are a total of 27 shades of Fancy Diamond.

Colored diamonds: shimmering rarity

The diamond is not always colorless. He sometimes adorns himself with a myriad of colors, captivating the eye and the imagination. A color diamond is a diamond whose shade, other than white, is visible to the naked eye when you look at it by its table, the upper part of the stone.

Among the most widespread colors are black, brown and yellow. Rose, blue, red and purple are extremely rare treasures. It is estimated that out of more than 100,000 diamonds, only a tiny part has one of these exceptional colors.

The color of a color diamond is not static. It is available in different intensities, classified according to a specific system: Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Dark, Fancy Deep, Fancy Intense and Fancy Vivid. The latter, the most intense category is also the most coveted and the most expensive.

Why are these diamonds colorful? 

The boron provides diamonds with a blue shade and nitrogen a yellowish shade.

These elements make it possible to understand why a blue diamond is rarer than a yellowish to brown diamond. This is because boron is a rare element when nitrogen is a very abundant element.

Finally, another cause would be due to deformation defects in the crystalline and zone of color structure in the crystalline network. In fact if a network is distorted this allows diamonds to absorb certain light wavelengths that can give it other colors.

A precious heritage

The Argyle mine in Australia was one of the main sources of colored diamonds. It produced the majority of brown diamonds present on the market and was also the only one to extract red and pink diamonds. Unfortunately, the mine is exhausted today.

The story will also retain the Golconde mine in India, which has given birth to the most beautiful color diamonds in the past, such as the famous Diamond Hope, a blue jewel exposed today to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington. This mine, too, is exhausted today.

Yellow diamond / Fancy diamond? 

The vast majority of so -called "white" diamonds tend to have a slight yellowish or even brunette shade. It is the presence of nitrogen atoms that causes this color.

These diamonds are also the most popular (60% of Fancy Diamonds are yellow). Even if the latest notes from the standard white diamond -colored scale appear in yellow. These diamonds are not considered as Fancy Diamonds. Indeed, color diamonds have a strong color. This diamond remains affordable because it is a common diamond

Diamonds of color, by their rarity and their shimmering beauty, occupy a special place in the world of jewelry. Each stone is a unique creation of nature, a real treasure that tells a story and arouses wonder.

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